fixed gear/fixie

One of the biggest things in the bike world right now is the fixed gear bike or 'fixie'. There is hot debate on if this is just a fad or something more. A fixed gear bike is a bike where the rear cog is a fixed/non moving single speed....meaning that when you pedal forward you move forward...when you pedal move backward. Most importantly is that when the wheels are moving....YOUR FEET ARE MOVING!

There is some choice on what size cog and chain ring you use. This ratio can affect a bit of how easy or hard it is to do inclines. However, fixed gear riding is not for the faint of heart...and in most cases brakes are also something the riders go without.

This style stems from bicycle racing and then the influences bicycle messenger scene. Now this is more popular with everyday riders and novice riders...which seems to be where the hot debate is stemming from!

No matter how you feel about fixies and no brakes the appearance of the bike is simple and beautiful!

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